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Welcome to Tonsley
Events. If this is your first visit, Woolfy, Joe, Floody and Rob all hope
that it makes you chuckle. If you fancy joining in any of the "tomfoolery"
then just register in the box below and we will be in touch. Alternatively,
if you have something to say then visit our Noticeboard and tell us.
you would like to know when this site is updated, simply submit your name
and e-mail address here:
Like everything else, it's going
to be a bit different this year. For the first time since the mid-noughties,
we are switching our allegiances to the official fantasy league,
and that brings with it a shake up of the rules and the scoring,
with a few fun perks chucked in. (Actually, our hand was forced,
as everyone at ESPN seems to be furloughed.) In every other respect,
this is the Tonsley Events Six Nations Competition as you've known
it before, from this retro website, with retro prizes (if we can
find them), but most importantly, spicing up the winter hopefully
without falling foul of Hancock, Whitty and Co.
Now and again, someone goes beyond
the call of duty in the name of Tonsley. More often than not it's
Floody, but for everyone else there are Tonsley Colours.
There's no cash for honours here,
no celebrity knighthoods - Tonsley Colours are well-earned and only
awarded in the event of chivalry, honour and organisational brilliance
to those who have done something quite magnificent. Congratulations
to our most recent (and clearly ecstatic) recipient! See
the Tonsley Colours Board.
After all the hype and several thousands of pounds
in air fares, the Tonsley Totty crusade is in full swing with over
150 pins now on the map! Visit our special page in the dedicated
Tonsley Totty section.
If you would like to join the world's finest and
help us in our quest for world domination simply visit the page
and fill out the form and let us know of your exotic destination
and when you will be travelling. Then just snap a photo in front
of a landmark. The only proviso is that you must be donning the
fast becoming famous Tonsley Totty (Best Served Thrilled!) T-shirt.
In order to
best serve, customer service is obviously very important to us in
providing you, the punters, with what you want. Therefore we would
like to push this opportunity for you to present your comments and
feedback on what has gone, what is to come and what it is you would
like to see. Wherever you are within the site, just click on the
Noticeboard icon on the left and leave us, everyone or anyone a
message, note or essay.